Logo: Yellow Rose Colors: Yellow and Light Blue
St. Mary's Altar Guild (formerly known as the Altar Sodality was founded in 1995). Our name was formerly changed in January 1996, to St. Mary's Altar Guild. The St. Mary’s Altar Guild membership is open to all members of the St. Mary's parish family.
The Altar Guild is a rewarding and meaningful Ministry in the service of our Lord, which promotes providing spiritual growth among all members throughout the Church. We aid in maintaining the sanctuary and chapel.
The ministry invites all men, women, and children who have completed their First Communion to come join us and become involved in providing support behind the scenes for the care and preparation of items used during the mass.
The Altar Guild is currently in need of more parishioners to join us so that we can ensure that the sanctuary and the chapel are always kept "pleasing in His eyes". The president and vice president will answer any questions you may have.
Our members spend one to two hours weekly cleaning the sanctuary & the chapel by organizing the books in the pockets on the back of the pews, which may include removing debris. We also dust, and wipe down tables, stands, candle holders, and glass shelving, and remove wilted leaves from potted plants or the floor as needed. Change out the holy water weekly from the holders behind the choir & at the chapel entrance. Select members may be asked to volunteer to wash, iron the pacificator, and robes, and mend robes when needed.
These responsibilities are shared on a weekly rotating schedule every Friday or Saturday. Each member works in teams of 4 to 6 so each team is scheduled to perform these duties only two months out of a year, which is six months apart. Schedules are flexible to accommodate your availability.
Members are responsible for supporting our ministry by paying annual dues, and participating in turning out, and our meetings. We also support our annual church Bazaar bake sale and other fundraisers.
If you are interested in joining a rewarding ministry, please contact the President or Vice President.
Marilyn Edwards, President Eranda (Candy) Fontenot Bassie, V-President
713-632-4017 281-513-8696