Please remember in your prayers Lula Roquemore, whom the Lord called home. Her funeral will be on Saturday, February 15th at 10:00AM' Viewing 8AM - 9:45AM.
Greetings & Welcome!
St. Mary's Bible Study is excited to bring you this insightful series focused on the most practical book of the Bible, The Gospel of James. The teachings of the Apostle James speak directly to those who feel torn between the demands of this modern world and their faith.
We will meet virtually Wednesday, January 22, 2025, and host two sessions:
First Session starts at 1:00pm
Second Session starts at 6:30pm.
During each scheduled session the class will watch a video from the, James: Pearls for Wise Living series followed by an engaging and lively discussion hosted by Fr. Jaison G Mangalath S.V.D.
Please use the link below to join us from your computer, tablet, or phone on Zoom:
St. Mary of the Purification Bible Study - ZOOM Link
Pax Christi,
Ms. Daphine Sands
December 24th – Christmas Eve @ 6:00PM
Christmas Play / Christmas Carols
Christmas Vigil Mass @ 6:30PM
December 25th – Christmas Day Mass @ 10:00AM
New Years Vigil Mass – 6:30PM
New Years Day Mass @ 10:00AM
Join us for six, 1-hour sessions to learn more about the Catholic prayers, beliefs, and practices that make St. Mary parish and school community a welcoming place for people of all faiths
Virtual sessions I Thursdays 7-8pm I Jan. 23 - Feb. 27
Register online using QR code or at
Patricia Bracey-Cofield, sister of Ethel Bracey; and Ella Pickney, sister of Curley Comeaux, her funeral will be at 11:30AM on Saturday, October 26th at Mabrie Memorial Mortuary, whom the Lord called home.
Please remember in your prayers, Jeffery Babineaux brother of Joshua Babineaux, his funeral will be at Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 10:00AM in Port Arthur, TX on Saturday, October 26th
Our parish is involved in a national grant-funded project called Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation. Only 220 parishes across the United States were invited to be involved, and our parish is one of them! (Click to read more and participate in the survey)
If you are interested in becoming a parishioner, please complete the attached Parish Census Form and return it to the Church Office, via email to [email protected], fax at 713-528-0572, by mail 3006 Rosedale, Houston, TX 77004, or you can bring it in during Office Hours, Monday - Friday 8AM-4PM
A Confirmation 2 PARENT MEETING is scheduled for this coming Sunday, August 25th after the 8:30 AM Mass in Room 100. (Prospective Candidates may attend)
Hello St. Mary's Families! Registration for CCE 2024 - 2025 is now open! You can use the link to register your children. Please reach out to Mrs. Valerie Harrison, Director of Religious Education, with any questions.
Attention those graduation High School, College, & Receiving Advanced Degrees or Certification! Sunday June 2, 2024 at 8:30 am Mass we are honoring you and your accomplishments! Please fill out the form in the weekly bulletin and email it to Cherie Wade at [email protected] by Friday, May 17, 2024 to be included in the celebration!
Join us for an Easter egg hunt and basket competition sponsored by SMP Youth Ministry and the Junior Daughters! The Easter Egg hunt is open to children up to 5th Grade. Basket competition is open to all individuals and families and we will have a prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place! Questions? Please contact Cherie Washington (832) 606-9662
The DSF theme, “We are the Lord’s”. As St. Paul reminds up in his Letter to the Romans, we are the Lord’s. we invite you to prayerfully consider giving to DSF this year. When you do, you will help provide essential support for 64 ministries of our local Church and serve those most in need in His name. Our parish goal for this year is $66,000.00. I am counting on your support and commitment to help us achieve our goal. To make your gift, you can complete the pledge card and return it via mail, or go online at
Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. For the past several years, the Religious Education/CCE program has practiced Corporal Works of Mercy by helping the poor {..cont}