Join Us Join volunteers to support Divine Word Missionaries in daily ministries in southeast Jamaica. Activities may include:
Building a house • Visiting a school
Parishmaintenance • Assisting with food program
Youth Bible Study • Additional daily task
Mission Jamaica
TheDivineWordMissionariesoverseesevenchurches in Jamaica, with three in the civil parish of St. Thomas and four in the greater Portmore area near Kingston. This mission is hosted by St Patrick Parish in Portmore/Kingston. The Divine Word Missionaries in Jamaica invite participation in ministries aiding the underprivileged, youth,andelderly.Ourmissionarypriestsandbrothers invite you to work alongside them in their ministries to serve those in need in Jamaica-to get off the sidelines and be an active minister of God's love.
Program Goals The program familiarizes participants with the missionary efforts of the Church. You'll engage in daily tasks with Divine Word Missionaries and other individuals dedicated to mission work. You'll also develop a unique insight into Jamaican language and culture.
Housing VolunteerswillbehostedatSt.Patrick ParishRectory. The accommodations are simple yet sufficient. Each person will have their own bed, although some may have a mattress on the floor. Meals will be prepared using funds contributed by participants. Evenings will be dedicated to sharing experiences and engaging in discussions about the Church's missionary work with fellow volunteers and missionaries.
Schedule May 27 - June 3 May 27:ArrivalandOrientation May 28 - June 2: Mission Jamaica June 3: Return to the States Cost: Approximately $1,000 Partial scholarships are available.
Participation Criteria The Mission Experience is planned primarily with Catholics in mind, but can accommodate people of other faiths under special circumstances. Those wishing to participate must:
Be 18 years or older
Have a passport to travel outside the country
Bephysicallyabletoparticipateinmanuallabor (painting, carrying up to 40 pounds, etc.)